Teacher Mentoring
Teacher Wellness
How Do You Refuel?

I did not consider it necessary to manage or plan for stress. I thought I new what busy was studying full time and working full time plus playing representative sport + coaching... THEN... I became a teacher! As the saying goes....
"if you want something done, ask a busy person."
Benjamin Franklin
How I went from chaotic busy to happy savvy busy!
I thought I knew busy... then I became a teacher ! ! !
I loved teaching. I was so excited to being teaching after studying for 4 years full time. I spent most of January in the classroom preparing the classroom before I started my job officially. I spent half of every school holidays preparing the classroom for the term ahead. I planned all my lessons in the holidays, to reduce my crazy long days during the term. I arrived at school between 7-7.30am each day and usually left 5-5.30pm. My breaks were eating on the run with marking, setting up for afternoon lessons, running art club, doing a duty or coaching the junior softball team. I spent Saturdays with my sport and Sundays was prep day... for school, lunches and dinners plus house chores. I tutored 2-3 nights per week and never sat down most days until after dinner.
I loved every minute of it... until my body got so sick I couldn't get out of bed from a virus, during year 3 of my teaching career. My "busy" had affected my body so much that it took a severe virus (viral meningitis) that knocked me off my feet literally for 6 months... to force me to stop and evaluate how I was looking after myself.
It was my love of teaching, eagerness to please my executive peers by taking on lots, spending hours upon hours each week planning for 5 levels in my class (I felt that was suitable) in literacy lessons to meet their needs and differentiate the learning. I was so focussed on supporting my students with no understanding of what expectations I should be focussed on (just the curriculum I must have the students at) PLUS no mentor to guide me through finding effective resources, teach lessons effectively, provide me with real life expectations to prevent burnout, show me tricks and tips to assess on the go, give me a heads up for what data I would need mid year etc.... MY PASSION AND ENTHUSIASM WITH NO THINKING ABOUT BURNOUT.... LED ME STRAIGHT INTO HUGE HEALTH ISSUES THAT TOOK OVER 5 YRS TO RESOLVE... IF ONLY I HAD BEEN TOLD TO TAKE A PREVENTATIVE APPROACH TO BURNOUT FOR MY CAREER ! ! !
I still love teaching. I am just as passionate about teaching as I was when I started 20+ years but many educators can not say the same. Suffering burnout and stress from the job, through lack of mentoring, accessing effective resources, understanding they must have a preventative approach to burnout for this career + learn how to stop over thinking about your learners.
I show you everything that helped me along my journey so you can begin yours with the tools and come from a "prevention" strategy which will help you have a long happy career teaching!

Keep my nightly planner on my bedside table so I can write down my thoughts and get them out of head so I can sleep... and trust I won't forget it xxx

Start my morning with half a squeezed lemon in warm water. I have a cup of peppermint & green tea before going to bed.

I do 20 minutes of exercise if I have had a day of inactivity. I do it at the end of the day before dinner.

Most nights I read. I am constantly seeking to learn new things that make me a better teacher, better mum, better human! Whether I read for 5 minutes or an hour, I read most nights.
What better way to turn the brain off than to be distracted by netflix or tv series or documentary series each week. I combine this with my kids one night per week!!!

Start each day driving in the car with my favourite songs complete with air guitar and vocal back up... yes I am that embarrassing mum :)
Something I want to do more of... road trips! Short adventures that are spontaneous and fun.
Hanging out with my teacher besties, chatting with an old friend, phone date with my bestie or time with my kids... I always make time for connecting with an important relationship to me!

Family games... charades, singstar, hide and seek, bopit, cluedo etc.. make me laugh and fill up my tank!

One of my important routines is my bath time... one night per week for my mind, body + soul 2 hours of bliss for myself!

Refuelling your inspiration tank, your soul and your energy levels as a teacher is such an important part of your #teacherlife that I think many teachers forget. It is vital in the longevity of your career because the teaching profession requires an extremely high level of 'give' and teachers naturally never turn off (even though we say we do, we don't).
PLEASE.... make sure you plan for your #teacherwellness
I call it a program because it means it is a routine and part of my life that is a priority. I am a busy mum to 3, studying my masters of coaching, navigating health issues, running my household, reinventing my business and this means I have to work hard at balancing my life and also protecting those 'times' for myself. So I have learnt what to aim for each week and I am happy if I can do 80% of it and alternate activities. As I get older, I am recognising that 80% completion is brilliant... while other days 40% is my brilliant!
I consider myself efficient + savvy with my time/money/resources and have learnt the power of 'behaviour flexibility' through some harsh life lessons... which I have turned out to be my greatest lessons! I share this with you in the program.... to save you or help you through your own harsh battles.
The reason this program is effective for teachers, and any busy human, is due to a few things, including becoming clear about (i) what you want for your life now, and in the future; (ii) your choices and habits which ones lead you to your end goals; (iii) understanding who you are on the inside, enables you to have a powerful inner compass that drives your decision making, reflecting + mindset through life;

How To Become A Happy Savvy Busy Teacher
I would love to show you my tricks for planning and being super organised as a teacher, mum and being a busy human! I share all my teacher planning documents in one kit that you can reuse year after year to help reduce stress, feel confident and be @ your best. It is an online course, access when you need and stop, rewind and play videos / training when ever you need!
COMES WITH LIFE TIME ACCESS + personal coaching sessions for managin stress and having a powerful mindset for being a busy teacher!
Rachel MAC © 2021 | Boost Education