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Free Beginning Teacher

Checklists for Preparing YOU for Week 1 and Term 1


Download Your Teacher Checklist + Watch Your Free Training Videos to Implement 

Your Training Videos to Implement 

This workshop video is part of the Professional Development Series for beginning teachers and should you purchase the full Ultimate Teacher ToolKit with the 120+ documents, you receive the PD CERTIFICATE for up to 15hrs along with reflection evidence template to record for your teacher registration and portfolio.

With 1 in 2 teachers leaving their career within the first 5 years, teacher burnout is at an all time high!
I sincerely hope the checklist and the wellness planner help to give you some strategies to navigate those early weeks and drive you to put your own wellness on your radar!
I believe beginning teachers are the most valuable asset to education with their vibrant passion and contagious enthusiasm for teaching. The lack of support + negative culture together with the huge gaps when transitioning from pre-service to classroom teacher (thanks to university training) has put ridiculous stress on beginning teachers and I want to change that... one new teacher at a time!

This is not open to the public until 2022 but I am looking to work alongside a small group of beginning teachers who are driven to have an amazing enjoyable career, prevent burnout + understand it takes action now... as they begin their career....

I have an open questionnaire that allows beginning teachers to share in a completely confidential manner, the realities of teaching and the areas they need more support. I have teaching gifts for your time and I read each and every response!

Teacher Tool-Kit 
Professional Development  
Behaviour Management 
Individual Learning Plan KIT


Teacher Mentoring with RachelMAC  © 2022 Boost Education

| website designed by Rachel Mac | 

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