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Professional Development Workshops

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How To

Get The

Most Out

of the PD


  1. Block out the time for the Workshop in your calendar so your focus is maximised;

  2. Have a pen and paper: be ready to record information that aligns with you;

  3. Upgrade your access: if you feel that obtaining access to the training + slide/s used in the PD more than once + rewatch whenever you want, would support your growth as an educator, this is an awesome option;

Upgrading Gives You:

Bonus slides or resources from the PD workshop;

PD certificate of attendance listing the AITSL standards + reflection documentation for your teacher registration;

Watch the workshop when you want, stop, pause + rewind and repeat when you need;

Bonus Workshop on "How To Evidence Your PD"


WHAT IF YOU COULD ACCESS ALL PD WORKSHOPS + THE PD KITS FOR $9 /mth... my new secret project for those interested keep reading.

BY  INVITATION ONLY... limited time.



  • Opportunity to be a Founding Member of an exciting educational project which looks great on your teacher resume and portfolio;

  • No need to wait for the Workshop time, you can watch when you want;

  • Play, pause + rewind when you need;

  • PD KITs for all workshops you want;

  • Access to the early bird pricing $9 per month

[no lock in contract, cancel when you want however this is the only time you can join @ $9];

  • Access to group mentoring sessions is part of those who join in 2021 (valued @ over $1000);

  • 100% tax deductible for the monthly PD cost;

  • Growing PD library @ your finger tips that are aligned to the AITSL standards and EYLF;


This is by invitation only and not open to the public

until mid 2022.






Rachel Mac






Savvy Teachers Club is a PD library hub for beginning teachers, where I am creating bite size PD Workshops in all areas of education to help early career teachers:

(i) grow and feel competent

(ii) feel confident, and

(iii) prevent burnout.


The library of PD workshops will be around 200 hours by the time we open to the public.


By 2025 the aim is to have over 500 hours which members have open access to at their finger tips to support your career + help you avoid burnout and reach your full potential as an educator!



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No thank you, I am just wanting to upgrade to the PD kit for this single workshop.

"Beginning teachers are spending an extra 15-25 hours per week outside school hours, compared to their peers who are 5+ years into their career. This is an extra 1000 hours per year... due to the lack of preparation that university is providing our graduate teachers. This is leading new teachers directly down

the road to burnout... where 1 in 2 are leaving our industry.

I believe beginning teachers are our most valuable asset to our schools with their vibrant fresh enthusiasm to teaching has a ripple effect to staff and students.

 I have created the workshop you are about to watch, to help

(i) reduce these extra hours by @ least 50%

(ii) provide effective teaching strategies, resources, mentoring + PD that builds confidence in their teaching abilities; 

(iii) prevent burnout + live a balanced teacher life





DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF THE TEACHER CHECKLIST FOR YOUR TEACHING LIFE... over 30 pages with LOADS of info to help you navigate your first years with confidence...
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