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Teacher Inspiration

with  Rachel 

Keep Your Inspiration Tank Full

One of the most important aspects of teaching that I truly value and drill into beginning teachers when I am mentoring... is keeping your own inspiration tank full.


I have always found that I was at my best as an educator, when my inspiration tank was full. It allowed me to bring enthusiasm and high energy to the classroom, inspire my learners and boost my ability to juggle all the teacher responsibilities with a lot more confidence and patience.


As beginning teachers, the #teacherlife can become quickly overwhelming if you don't listen to your body and manage your health. I found that by planning strategies consistently to maintain physical health, mental health and emotional health, my energy levels were easier to keep at rates that I required when teaching.


Now I literally schedule time each week to refuel my inspiration tank and live a balanced life.


I highly recommend you visit my TEACHER WELLNESS page to see different activities I've found , as a teacher to keep my inspiration tank full.

Ring of Light Bulbs
Dog Spa

 You may or may not have seen this TED talk but I get goose bumps every time I see this presentation from Rita Pierson. She was a wonderful educator and is everything I would hope I am to a child that has been in my classroom!

I follow their Facebook Page and watch this video yearly or when I need to top up my inspiration tank.


Brene Brown is one of my favourite authors and speakers. She has such powerful views on very simple topics. for instance... 'the power of vulnerability'.

This TED Talk made me a better teacher, mum and person after watching it!


I then record it in my PRJ (professional reflection journal) in my teaching portfolio. I demonstrated that by learning to be 'vulnerable' in the classroom, I could build a better rapport with students and it formed part of my teaching pedagogy.


Simon Sinek has been life changing to me personally and professionally. He constantly challenges my thinking and pushes people to think differently about important issues that are extremely relevant to education like learning strategies and the power of words!


I urge new teachers to watch his videos and I guarantee that at least one thing will resonate in you and it will positively impact your classroom and learning.


Part of the Leadership programs I run, we start with Simon Sinek's book "Start With Why." ... life changing and a book to keep in your personal library and re-read in your lifetime!


Professional Reflection Journal PJR

Created specifically for Graduate and Beginning Teachers 

Documenting your professional growth as an educator is important for your career and portfolio. 

It can take hours and hours to learn how to document correctly... BUT NOT ANYMORE.

This kit gives you all the information you need including Step by Step guide, templates and clear examples to help you feel confident when recording your PD and creating your teaching portfolio.


I am very passionate about teacher wellness and living your best life! Become a member FREE and you will get access to my forums where I share my own strategies and all the latest ideas that are floating around the internet regarding WELLNESS...

Teacher Mentoring with Rachel Mac   © 2022 Boost Education

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Teacher Mentoring with RachelMAC  © 2022 Boost Education

| website designed by Rachel Mac | 

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