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Teacher Wellness

with    Rachel 

I wish I knew as a beginning teacher, the importance of looking after myself and my soul. Now that I mentor beginning and graduate teachers, I ensure that every individual schedules a daily10-20 minutes activity and one weekly 1-2 hour activity that makes their soul feel good and fulfilled as a human. These activities are to have nothing to do with teaching or your job and EVERYTHING to do with a passion you have. I will share my own activities but it should be something that brings warmth to your soul and fill you up on the inside!

you can't pour from an empty cup...

take care of yourself

Ceramic Collection

Teacher Health Check... I am no expert but I have been through some major difficulties in my life, most recently a near fatal car crash leaving me with injuries that change my life forever & led me on a journey of self discovery and health challenges that I never though possible BUT...

I'd love to share my journey and show you what helped me... hoping it helps you.



Physical Health
Stress Management
Power of Perspective
Passion Project
Social Health
Nutrional Hacks

How Do You Refuel?

Do you regularly go on adventures, walks, yoga or art classes, cook, hang out with friends, cuddle your pet, have long baths...? 

How do you nurture the 6 needs in your own life? 

Certainty ~  Variety ~ Love/Connection ~ Growth ~ Significance ~ Contribution


Are you doing activities in your life that make you feel significant, loved, strong, challenged, valued OUTSIDE of your teaching job ?

They don't happen by chance and you need to be accountable!


That is why you need a MENTOR

A mentor will push you to have these in your life and actively plan and complete them! This is a must as a beginning teacher!


Your mentor will share #teacherhacks for planning, organising, reporting, marking, managing, learning, developing, exploring, finding... to help you keep a balanced teacherlife!


My aim as a mentor is to share my teacher journey and fast track yours... so you can be at your best, reduce your stress, feel confident and reduce these statistics for beginning teachers! 


Don't have a mentor?

Well You Now Have Me

Would you like to be more organised as a teacher so you can switch off on the weekend and refuel properly...? 

teacher organiser (1).png


I have put my wellness program into a visual display like an info graphic. Click on the button below to view.

Luxury Hotel Spa Collection
Bath Salts
Bath Salts and Soap
Flower on Pink
White Wine
Bath Salts and Oils
Scented Candles
White Bathtub

One of my FAVOURITE things is my bath time... one night per week just for me to relax 

#teacherwellness is


#teacherwellness is the need to keep a balanced life.

There will always be marking, planning, reporting, organising.... seriously there is always something to do as a teacher.... BUT you have to turn off and refuel your battery CONSISTENTLY!


1. Plan for it

2. Get a mentor to hold you accountable

3. Make yourself your priority

4. GET ORGANISED... so you don't feel guilty when you take time for yourself!

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Teacher Mentoring with Rachel  © 2020 Boost Education

Teacher Tool-Kit 
Professional Development  
Behaviour Management 
Individual Learning Plan KIT


Teacher Mentoring with RachelMAC  © 2022 Boost Education

| website designed by Rachel Mac | 

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